Interview with Diego Lodi

Diego LodiComplete name: Diego Lodi

Age: 24

Place of birth: Bento Goncalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

- How did you start your career as a model?
I was walking in the city and a scout approached, I guess the classic story.

- How you were chosen to represent the Red Oak campaign next to the Top Ana Beatriz Barros?
The photographer chose me, as a matter of fact, he contacted me before and asked me if I wanted to do this campaign with him.

- In spite of being an European brand, the production, styling, models, photographer, the whole group was Brazilian. How is it to work with Brazilians in a city so beautiful like Rio de Janeiro?
Rio is a very inspiring city, famous all over the world for its beauty. It is sang in poetry, music, verses and proses exactly because its mix of big city, wonderful beaches and nature which makes it very unique and it gives a fantastic energy. And I love to work with Brazilians, it makes the progress and the synergy easier to the work flow.

Diego Lodi- You had worked with Felix before. What do you think of him as a photographer and a person? He has a reputation of being a bit too demanding and a bit difficult to work with? What do you have to say about this?
I think it is much to the opposite. I had worked with him before so we were familiar with each other. He does demand a whole lot from us models but that is very positive in my point of view because it challenges our capacity and demands our growth as models.

I think his work is fantastic, the result is always amazing, and he lives and breathes photography so it is all part of him, his soul so we never really have negative surprises with him! I like very much working with him!

- Brazil has been one of the greatest contributions to the top model industry in the world today, both feminine and masculine. A lot of them get married and grow a family. Is this something that you intend to do one day?
For sure! I think we human beings, each have inside a part of us that does not want to die, because I believe God has implanted inside our hearts the desire to live, and the desire to have a person that we love next to us and to grow a family is a natural process that follows!

- In productions of giant proportion like this campaign that you did together, does that make you nervous to know that you will be part of?
There is a famous Brazilian actress, called Fernanda Montenegro, that has had a glorious career for over 40 years, even now when she has the stage, she fills Goosebumps in a little cold feeling in her stomach, and if not for this few moments of uncertainties, it would not be as fun! (Laughs) and I do few that. Not so much with the photographer, but the production and then there is the fact that I have to match Ana Beatriz in her presence! (laughs)

- In working next to one of the most famous top models in the world like Ana Beatriz and a photographer that is used to shoot the most famous models for the most famous magazines and brands, do you feel a lot of pressure?
A little bit! The atmosphere does get a bit tense for me because there is always the fact that the client has to be satisfied with the results. But I think that is normal for everybody! Both Felix and Ana Beatriz have that a lot because a lot is expected from them as well! But I loved working next to her, that’s for sure!

Diego Lodi and Ana Beatriz

- How is your relationship with your fans and the people that support your career?
The relationship with fans can be a delicate matter sometimes because the nature of our profession and image is something that not everybody grasps well! But they are very important to me and have a very special place in my heart!

Diego Lodi and Ana BeatrizDiego Lodi  and Ana Beatriz

- How do you do to stay in shape? Do you work out, diet or you don’t need any of that?
In my specific case, I think it is genetic, I got it from my grandfather, I believe! But I enjoy doing sports, and I believe in feeding not only my body but my spirit well! And in my profession, it is very important so sometimes I do watch myself a bit!

- In all these years working as a model, what are the most famous people that you have worked with?
Some of the great names of Brazilian showbiz as well as some great models like Naomi Campbell, but for me the most important is the quality of the work and not who.

- Are there people in the industry that you would really love to work with? Like designers, models, photographers, etc.
I would love to work with Paulo Zulu, which is a great person and of course my dream campaign would be Armani!

Diego Lodi

- After modeling, what do you intend to do?
I have just graduated in Spanish Language, but I would love to move back to the town where I grew up and stay close to my parents, my brother, friends!

- How do you treat your skin?
Water! Lots of water! Water is the liquid of life!

- How do you do to stay beautiful in shape while traveling?
While traveling I try to relax! I believe that a day cannot really interfere with the physical discipline that we are constantly working on. I try to relax and enjoy!

- What was the most fun work that you have done as a model?
I had to do some pictures for Canon! We were in a helicopter close to a mountain, upstate Rio de Janeiro and that’s how the session was! And the helicopter ride after was fantastic! I love flying like that!

Diego Lodi

- Do you have a charity that is close to your heart?
Yes! There is one that is called “Crianca esperanca” which helps thousands of children all over Brazil!

- What is the most important issue facing the world today?
Religious wars because they are a contradiction in themselves! It seems that 19 out of 20 wars are all because religion! Bill Clinton a while ago addressed this issue at the UN. I hope one day the governments will be less involved with religion!

Diego Lodi

- If you could choose the dream campaign, what would that be?
Armani for sure!

- How do you prepare yourself for a photography session? I mean physically, mentally, etc.
First and utmost, be professional. Timing is essencial. To know what is expected from me, to be focused completely in what is being expected from me! That’s what I think usually before!

Diego Lodi

- How do you do to connect with the photographer in front of you?
The camera for me, the lens pointing at me is the eye of the photographer, so I try to focus and connect with him/her and that takes me away completely to what is happening around and being totally centered on that!

Diego Lodi- What comes to your mind when a photographer asks you for a sexy/sensual pose?
It is part of my profession so it is not difficult! I don’t really have to go far, I just concentrate!

- How do you create intimacy with a model like Ana Beatriz for example in a shoot like this that you had some very intimate scenes with mouth kissing, etc.
We both know that in our profession, acting is demanded and we know what is expected from us because we come from the same professional world, that alone makes it easy to create intimacy. But it is professional, and being professional, is something that we are used to it.

- What is the question that you would like to be asked by an interviewer?
About the bible!

Campaign photos by Felix Dasilva

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  1. Andrea Post
    Andrea Poston 25 May, 2008, 04:05

    Always amazing!!! I love Diego Lodi, my friend favorite and important in my life!!! successes forever baby. Kisses. Andrea.