Suffering from Ingrown Toenails? Here’s When You Need Surgery

An ingrown toenail can cause utter discomfort and pain around the affected surface. This problem erupts when a toenail’s edge grows in a faulty direction, leading to an infection manifested as swelling and pain. Most people wonder why they face this issue. Often, this condition occurs due to basic mistakes like the wrong choice of footwear, fidgeting with the toenails, or improper nail grooming habits. Some can face it because of genetic reasons or nail trauma. Regardless of the cause, recognising your symptoms is crucial. Consider medical intervention if you notice tenderness, inflammation, or pus surrounding a toenail.

Toe nail
Photo: Depositphotos

Generally, experts ask people to try warm water soaks, correct footwear size and shape, careful nail trimming habits, and antibiotics. However, others may need to visit a podiatrist for surgery. Visit to understand the surgical procedures healthcare professionals follow to treat ingrown toenails. Before this, let's explore when you may need surgery.

The right time to opt for surgery for an ingrown toenail
Ingrown toenails can lead to infection, manifested as pus, redness, and heat. You should immediately visit your local podiatrist for help. Otherwise, the disease can affect other body parts, aggravating the problem. You can be exposed to risks like sepsis, gangrene, and bone infection. Sometimes, excruciating pain interferes with your normal gait and everyday activities. So, it's better to get checked. You can try at-home treatments. However, if they don't work, consulting your podiatrist is better. Anyone with peripheral artery disease or diabetes should not wait for anything. They should visit a nearby podiatry clinic at the slightest hint of an ingrown nail. Suppose you applied everything, but the toenail keeps growing back in the wrong direction, causing pain and a feeling of uneasiness. Again, your foot specialist may recommend surgery to treat the chronic condition.

Surgical procedures for ingrown toenail
The specialist can suggest a suitable surgical method based on the ingrown toenail condition. During the process, they can lift the ingrown nail from the side and place a tiny cotton piece there to rectify the nail's growth pattern. They can also do a toenail trim that involves placing a little brace in the affected area to improve its growth. If you have developed a fungal infection in that region, the doctor may have to treat the underlying tissue through a laser. It will remove fungi and restore the nail's health.

During the ingrown toenail removal process, the expert can apply a numbing gel on the affected surface to reduce the impact of needle injection. Toes will be anaesthetised. After this, the surgeon removes your ingrown toenail. Ultimately, they can apply a suitable chemical to destroy the unhealthy nail roots and prevent recurring issues.

Remember, surgery is just one part of the treatment. Your doctor will recommend some post-surgery care instructions regarding dressing and showering. Please follow them for proper recovery. You may be advised to visit the doctor after a few days for your first check-up. If they see improvement, they may ask you to return after a slightly longer interval. After this, you may no longer have to dress the area, and your toenails can become healthy. As for wearing footwear, it’s better to use open sandals initially. Allow the area to heal before moving to closed-toe shoes.

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Tags:toenail, nails

About the Author

Stella Cooter

Journalist, traveller and mother, Stella writes about fashion and style, luxury and adventure.

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