Get Rid of Moles and Tags Naturally by Yourself

According to reports, almost half of the world’s population has moles and skin tags. These are harmless but looks ugly, especially when they appear on the face. People often want to get rid of these moles and skin tags. The first option they find is the laser treatment like mole removal North York. It’s a good option to get rid of moles and skin tags using laser mole removal treatment, but that is a costly option. If you can’t afford that treatment, we have the alternative treatments that you can try at home.


Mole Remover Kit

In the market, you can easily find the mole and tags remover kits. These are basically the bands and device to stop the blood supply to these moles and tags. Once the blood stops going to these moles and tags, they start getting dry and finally fell from the skin like dead skins within a week. And as you remove the band, you will see no mole or tag there on the skin.

Slow Cutting with String

It’s an ancient technique and is very effective as well. In this technique, you use some sharp and very thin string to tie it on the mole or tag. In ancient times people used to use the hair from horsetail because of its roughness. Now you can use dental floss string. The idea is same in this technique, i.e. stop the blood supply to the mole or skin tag, and then it will drop like a dead skin within a week. You will tighten the knot every day so the blood may not cross the string. It’s like a slow cutting of mole or skin tag.

Mole Remover Cream

You can find mole remover creams and applicators in the market. You can even order online because a lot of suppliers are selling these creams. These creams basically acidic in nature, and they slowly burn the moles and skin tags. And you may even feel a little burning feeling onto your skin when you will apply this cream on mole or skin tag. After few days it would have killed the mole completely, and you can get rid of the ugly skin tag.

Shatter it by Freezing

Liquid nitrogen is available in the market for mole remover. Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze something instantly. For mole remover, the freezing kit is available in the market. You need to be very careful while using this technique. You need to make sure that you apply or spray the liquid nitrogen only on the mole but not on the surrounding skin. As you will apply it, the blood and the skin of the mole or tag will freeze. Repeating the treatment for a week will finally kill the mole permanently, and it will shed from the skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is commonly used at homes to treat the moles and skin tags. Just take the diluted tea tree oil and apply it on to the mole using a cotton ball. Keep it there for at least 5 to 7 minutes. You may feel burning of skin but don’t’ worry about it. Repeat this treatment three times a day, and within a week, the mole will be removed from the skin.

So, use these treatments to get rid of moles and skin tags and save a lot of money that you were going to spend at laser treatment.

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Tags:mole removal, skin, beauty

About the Author

Boyana Ivanova

Boyana is following men`s trade fairs and exhibitions. She is also covering fashion industry news, best dressed section, lifestyle and trends.

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