Tag: skin
Complete Guide to Face Care for Glowing Skin
Our skin defends our body and protects it from environmental trauma, infection, diseases, and water loss. Facial skin is the most exposed and sensitive area of the body, which is susceptible to pollution and aging. Face care isn't just about maintaining your looks, but also about maintaining a healthy and firm skin. So, in this blog, we will look at the different face care products that you must integrate into your everyday routine for healthy glowing skin!
The Secrets Behind Why French Grooming Products Are the Best
French grooming excellence traces back to the court of Louis XIV, where personal care rituals were as significant as state affairs. Today, French beauty products stand out not just for their luxury packaging but for their scientific rigor, innovative formulations, and commitment to quality. To understand their global prestige, we must explore the intersection of history, science, and culture that sets them apart.
Seasonal Skincare: Preparing Your Skin for Winter with Black Friday Discounts
Winter can be unforgiving for many people's skin. It's a season when your skincare routine needs to adapt and improve in response to the changing climate. The good news? Black Friday is the perfect time to prepare your skin for the brisk weather ahead.
Winter Warmth for Women: Which Skin-Safe Coat Will You Choose?
Winter coats are meant to keep us warm, but for those with sensitive skin or conditions, the search for comfort is a bit more complex. Finding a coat that offers both warmth and skin-friendly materials can feel like a balancing act between coziness, style, and care. So, what are the best options this winter for staying cozy and stylish without irritating your skin?
NeoGenesis – for those who follow the latest in beauty
The sphere of beauty and fashion is rapidly progressing, ahead of many other areas. Every year, major global brands release а slew of innovative clоthing, beauty and personal care products thаt promise amazing results. There is no girl who does not resort to basic decorative cosmetics...
7 Supplements for Better Skin and Hair
In today's world, achieving optimal skin and hair health is a common goal for many individuals. While topical treatments and cosmetic procedures offer temporary solutions, a functional medicine doctor can provide supplement information and in-depth care tips, leading to long-term benefits. In this article, we'll explore ten supplements that can improve skin elasticity, hydration, and brightness, as well as enhance hair strength, growth, and scalp health. By adopting a functional medicine approach, we aim to promote holistic well-being from within. With these supplements, you can take a proactive approach to your skincare and haircare routines, achieving lasting results and radiant health.
Winter-Proof Your Beauty Routine: Expert Tips for Gorgeous Skin
As the winter season brings a cold chill to the air, our skin often takes a toll. The dropping temperatures and dry indoor heating can leave our skin feeling dull, dry, and lacking its usual radiance. But fear not, with the right beauty routine and a little help from aesthetic treatments such as Vitaran, you can maintain a stunning winter glow. In this blog, we'll delve into expert tips and tricks to winter-proof your beauty routine, ensuring your skin stays gorgeous throughout the colder months.
The Science of Ageing Skin and the Role of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Fillers in Addressing Deep Lines
As we age, our skin undergoes various changes leading to the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles, often becoming a primary cosmetic concern. These visible signs of aging can affect self-esteem and are common reasons for seeking aesthetic treatments.
Embrace a Fresh You: Your Journey to Clearer Skin
We all dream of a flawless complexion, free from blemishes, marks, and the tell-tale signs of a sleepless night. But the journey to clearer skin can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially with the multitude of advice available on the internet. This guide will walk you through proven steps to rejuvenate your skin and regain your confidence.
8 Ways to Enhance the Effects of Your Sheet Mask
Skin care is essential, and sheet masks are critical for healthy skin. Read on how to enhance the effects of your sheet mask.
Switch Up Your Skincare for Summer
If you have a regular skincare routine using familiar products, the idea of changing any aspect of it might not have crossed your mind, but as the seasons change, so should our skincare routine. In the winter, we might need a nourishing, hydrating moisturizer to protect our skin from the elements. Heat, humidity and the possibility of sunburn all mean that your skincare needs are likely to be very different during the warmer months.
Crow's Feet: What are the Effective Ways to Treat Them?
Crow's feet are quite common but there are ways to treat them. Using skincare products can help prevent or reduce the appearance of crow's feet. Here are some tips: sun damage, facial movement, and hormone changes can cause crow's feet.
Skin Care Tips - How to Reduce Undereye Puffiness?
A great way to reduce puffiness around your eyes is to incorporate a few different home remedies into your daily skin care regimen. These treatments include Vitamin C, cold compresses, and caffeine. These ingredients have several positive properties that work together to promote smooth skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles.
Why You Should Use Vitamin C Serum to Treat Your Skin?
If you're wondering why you should use vitamin C serum to treat your skin, you've come to the right place. This skin treatment has a number of benefits. It improves the appearance of wrinkles, inhibits the overproduction of melanin, and reduces UVB-induced redness. Let's take a look at each of these benefits and how they affect your skin. It can also help you prevent skin cancer and treat acne.
This Is How to Wear Sneakers With Skinny Jeans
It's important that you know how to wear sneakers with skinny jeans. You can check out our style guide here to learn more.
4 Tips For Choosing The Right Skin Care Products For You
While you were very young, your skin was probably something that you would not pay too much attention to. Instead, you would probably take it for granted, thinking that it will always be as soft and shiny as at that very moment. Yet, as you get more mature, you realize that you actually need to take care of the largest organ in your body if you want it to look flawless. Go here to get some tips from dermatologists on how to do that.
Everything You Need To Know About Fungal Acne - How To Cure it Quickly
There are three super annoying things in the world - pineapple on the pizza, ringing cell phone in the movie theatre, and of course, fungal acne. As if regular acne was not enough. Out of all acne types, the fungal infection will get on to your nerve, irritating you. What is it? Why does it happen? We’ll talk about that shortly.
Beauty Has a Price: Pros and Cons of Botox Cosmetic Treatments
We often want to stay young for the rest of our lives - mostly to maintain our youthful beauty - but time has other plans, and that includes laugh lines and wrinkles. Our increasing age counts are inevitable but it doesn’t mean your wrinkles have to be.
What Makes a Good Pair of Jeans?
Whether you are a man, woman or child, it’s undeniable that we all love a good quality pair of jeans. They can be worn for both smart occasions as well as casual dress wear and you're sure to find a pair of jeans for every type of occasion.
Why Skin and Cosmetic Laser Treatment is Worth a Try
Do you often skip looking yourself in the mirror while dressing or even randomly? Is your skin letting you down and appear all wrinkly, unevenly toned, or with acne? Don't be too harsh on yourself! Did you know that achieving beautiful skin can be your dream come true now? All it takes is a leap of faith to invest in a proven procedure and let the skincare professionals handle your case.
6 Skincare Products You Need To Add to Your Routine
There are many people out there giving advice on skincare routines, products, and usage. But many of them are simply telling what works for them. Since every person is unique, the same routine doesn't work for everyone. However, there are certain products that you need to include in your routine.
How to Keep Skin Healthy Even With Hyperpigmentation
Well, you’ve got hyperpigmentation. Thankfully, it’s really not as apocalyptic as it might sound - it is just a skin condition, and a harmless one at that. But, still; you might be someone who isn’t 100% sure how to deal with life now that you’ve got some dark patches of skin.
Microblading: Is the Semi-Permanent Makeup Trend Worth it?
Microblading is the latest solution to fuller brows. You must have heard all the raves about the technique and how it can effectively remedy your sparse and nonexistent brows.
7 Shoe Styles That Look Best with Skinny Jeans
Skinny jeans are dead? Don’t make us laugh. Although we will admit that wide-leg jeans pants and editor jeans are currently having a big moment in the fashion world, the skinny jean remains a key style staple in every fashionable woman’s wardrobe (see: Kate Middleton’s skinny jean obsession). And until someone comes out with a new jean style that is short-people friendly, us vertically-challenged gals will kindly pass on the baggier jean styles, thank you very much.
Why True Botanical products are useful for your skin
The skin is one of the most important parts of your body, that needs proper care. Many people are aware of this and they try various skincare products, though with minimal success. Unfortunately, most of these skincare products are not safe, resulting in the development of wrinkles, irritation, and dryness. The suitable thing to do is to use natural skin products. With such products, you have peace of mind knowing that there are no added chemicals you are not aware of. Below is what you should know about natural skincare products.
What's the difference between regular and alkaline skincare
As a woman, you will have the option of selecting either regular or alkaline skin products. Since the 1970s, most skin care products have been skin neutral, and this is not the same as water neutral in terms of pH. With water and other scientific elements, neutral pH is taken as 7, and anything above this number is basic or alkaline. Elements with pH values of less than 7 have varying degrees of acidity.
Manual vs Electric: Which Razor Gives the Best Shave?
Don't know if manual or electric razors are better? Join the cluck. Take a look at which razor really gives the best shave!
Exciting High tech Makeup for 2020
It’s almost 2020 and we’re still not zipping around in flying cars or enjoying meals instantly conjured up by a Star Trek-style replicator machine. Sure, humanity has made lots of technological strides, but how much does that affect our day-to-day lives? Instead of crying about our non-flying cars, let’s look at the technological innovations in the beauty industry that are revolutionizing the way we look. From smart hairbrushes, scanners to help us pick foundation and magnetic eyeliner to instantly give amazing lashes, technology is making our daily lives easier.
How to Choose the Right Streetwear Jeans
Jeans are a staple part of anyone’s wardrobe, but particularly amongst men. Creating the perfect, everyday style, jeans can be worn for a multitude of occasions and dressed up or down as needed. The choice of styles is endless, even when it comes to streetwear jeans.
Get Rid of Moles and Tags Naturally by Yourself
According to reports, almost half of the world’s population has moles and skin tags. These are harmless but looks ugly, especially when they appear on the face. People often want to get rid of these moles and skin tags. The first option they find is the laser treatment like mole removal North York.
6 Incentives to Help You Keep Your Skin in Good Condition
Among the organs in a human being, the human skin is the largest. This means that it plays a huge role in the body. It acts as a barrier between the body’s internal organs and the outside world. Further, it balances the moisture of the circulatory system.
Why You Need Mud Masks: The Skin Care Benefits
Everybody hopes to have healthy skin, and there are hundreds of skin care products in the market that you can use to achieve that. Some are entirely healthy, while others have adverse side effects. A mud mask is one of the few healthy, all-natural skin care products that can do wonders for your skin. It provides the perfect solution for relaxation and high-end comfort while improving the condition of your skin. This article will provide some insight into the top benefits of using mud masks as part of your regular skin care program.
What Makes HydraFacial Worth Your Time and Money?
You may be getting regular spa facials and but HydraFacial is the facial treatment that will address almost all major skin issues like acne, dark spots, blackheads, sun damage, dullness, and uneven skin tone. It is becoming popular and its cost is just a little higher than spa facials. The spa facials only clean your skin at surface level but HydraFacial involves deep cleansing. The products used in spa facials may not be suitable for certain skin types and cause irritation, but HydraFacial has specialized serums for your skin problems. Here I have explained why this treatment is worth your time and money.
6 Steps to Follow to Prepare for Your Breast Reduction Surgery
The decision to undergo breast reduction surgery is not a small one, which is why every necessary step should be taken to prepare for the procedure.
Tips On Choosing Luxury Dressing Gowns For Comfort
Dressing gowns are made up of cloth designed to cover up the body in order to stay warm. It is also used to dry and to cover up the body from the heat of the sun and wind.
Face Wash for Men: Look Clean and Energetic
Mаnу men wash thеіr face wіth water аnd uѕе soap. Thе uѕе оf face soap іѕ nоt recommended bесаuѕе іt соntаіnѕ ingredients thаt саn damage thе ѕkіn. Uѕіng face wash іѕ thе bеѕt wау tо kеер уоur face clean аnd hassle-free. Tаkіng care оf thе ѕkіn іѕ thе correct wау tо preserve facial shine.
6 Habits Of A Woman With Great Skin Care
Like everyone else, it is possible that you know someone with almost perfect skin. This could be your mom, your friend, or someone you know at work. Regardless of who she is, you cannot help but wonder how she achieved a glowing face.
5 Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery for Your Face
People have relied on cosmetic surgery for facial enhancement for decades. Never have been the results of facial uplifts so precise and satisfying as they are now. In recent times, it has been possible to reduce the signs of aging and fighting various facial deformities with much more accuracy and effectiveness than ever before. If you are considering facial surgery for any reason, explore the key benefits of the procedure.
How to Dress for an Interview
Choosing what to wear to a job interview can prove tricky. You want to make the right impression, but you also don’t want to blend in with all of the other candidates. What you wear is very important because it will be the first and last impression the hiring manager will have of you as you walk in, and then out of the room.
Premium leathers with eco-friendly metal-free tanning by La Patrie
La Patrie was founded in 2015 and is one of the first tanneries in the world to have industrialized the metal free tanning of precious alligator and crocodile skins.
Tagliatore Fall/Winter 2018-2019 collection
Pino Lerario, Tagliatore’s creative director, picks up the London’s vibe to create a new concept of masculine elegance. The Fall Winter 2018-2019 collection is based on outerwear proposals with a clear British flavor. Also the rock touch, an important part of Tagliatore’s DNA, seems to regain the history of Savile Row, when in January 1969 the Beatles performed for the last time from that unforgettable rooftop.
What Makeup is Right For My Skin
Foundation is a double-edged sword. Apply it correctly and you look like a movie star. Choose the wrong product and you could be the laughing stock of the town. The foundation you pick must not only match your skin tone, its consistency needs to complement your skin type. This is only one of a list of factors we’ve assembled here for you to determine which foundation is right for you.
Reducing Your Make Up Dependence in Your Late Thirties Can Refresh Your Appearance
With various publications noting Kate Middleton’s recent haircut after the birth of her third child, many women of the same age have begun to turn to the glamourous duchess as a great role model for those women edging towards their forties.
Velvet Desert - Berluti Fall/Winter 2018 collection
Berluti’s Fall/Winter 2018 Pre-Collection by Haider Ackermann is an exercise in quietness and sartorial serenity: devoid of all distraction and visible ornament, clothes have a way of unveiling their artisanal know-how, clean architecture, hidden details and rich natural textures.
Discover Aloe Vera - the perfect natural cosmetic
It’s a multifunctional, cheap, extremely popular and most importantly, a natural cosmetic that should be in every home. Aloe vera should be your first choice for amazing fighting skin discoloration, moisturizing, healing wounds and even works on scars! Its invaluable regenerating and soothing properties make it an ideal product for skin care as well as hair care.
Everything you should know about the lounge suit
What about the lounge suit? The meaning, the basics and the code.. these things you are going to find in the next lines.
Gieves & Hawkes Autumn/Winter 2017-2018 collection
For one of the most British of brands, Gieves & Hawkes’ Autumn/Winter collection marks a return to its roots, a shift away from the Continent. ‘Britishness is hard to capture, and easy to get wrong, but it’s also unique in its eccentricity and fun,’ says the company’s senior designer, Edward Finney. ‘You don’t get fun in any other nation’s sense of dress.
J.M. Weston - French shoemaker
J.M. Weston, traditional shoemaker for more than 120 years, enhances and reinterprets classic codes with audacity through the impetus of its Artistic Director Michel Perry. Building on the excellent craftsmanship of its Limoges factory, the brand continues to evolve, reinventing itself without ever compromising its search for timelessness. Each new style, new leather, new detail of manufacturing is conceived in its workshops to enhance the feet of men and women. More than just a shoe, the loafer, derby or oxford shoe become a walking companion, a reflection of an easy-going lifestyle and of resolute elegance.
The Fashionable World of SheepSkin
Many of us will be familiar with the beautiful sight and fluffy feel of the fur like soft rug used to decorate rooms inside the home. Having these rugs in a room, help to create an inviting and warm ambience and they reduce noise making them perfect in family living rooms. How many of us know that these rugs are made from sheepskin. Sheepskin also known as lambskin is the hide of sheep with the wool still attached to it.
How To Dress Well
In the world of fashion, there are many canons and rules that are not relevant now, but there are some that have stood the test of time. Following these recommendations every girl will look stylish and attractive.
5 Reasons Why You Need To Book Yourself A Facial ASAP
We all know the importance of looking after our skin, and we hear it everyday in magazines and advice columns; never sleep with your make up on, drink lots of water, have a good skincare routine. However sometimes, it can be easy for our skin to be put on the back burner as life takes hold, and before you know it, your skin looks dull and lifeless, and you’re beginning to break out like a teenager during puberty.
Philipp Plein Fall/Winter 2017-2018 collection
Opening with a performance from Brooklyn-born star Nas, and staged in the landmark New York Public Library, the show is a personal love letter to the neighborhoods of New York. In a city where everyone is a stranger, where everyone is from somewhere else, neighborhoods are what make New York home. From the Bronx and Chelsea to Queens and the Upper East Side, neighborhoods help shape characters and create an identity.
Are you Forgetting your Lips?
When you browse the Internet for new makeup ideas, the focus is typically on the eyes: winged eyeliner, glittery eyeshadow, subtle dark hues, shimmering looks that pop with color. From formal looks with light, delicate shades to explosions of sequins and glitter, there's a look for every style, and a guide tailored to every eye shape and color. The world of skin care products is similar, with an avalanche of creams, powders, liquids, and bronzers dedicated to smoothing out your skin tone, protecting your face from the sun, and keeping your skin clean and moisturized. At times, it can be almost overwhelming to find the look that's right for you, with so many products on the market that you could fill an entire warehouse.
New Look’s Autumn/Winter 2016 collection - tailoring guide
No matter what build you are, there is a suit style and fit for you. Modern tailoring offers up skinny, slim and regular finishes, you just need to figure out what one's made for you.
7 Useful Tips to Choose the Best Skin Care Products
Everyone wants to look young and beautiful, some even set model-like standards for yourself. In order to attain that flawless skin that you have always wanted, you need to use the best skin care products. There are people who buy the most expensive skin products, but may not even get a satisfactory result. You might be wondering what actually makes the difference. Well, there are different skin types and you can’t just use any product for your skin. This is why not every skin care product will suit your skin. No matter how tempting a skin care product looks, you should not buy that without consulting your dermatologist. Your dermatologist would make sure that test the product and makes sure it meets the cosmetic regulatory requirements. However, if you are looking to buy cosmetics suitable for your skin, here are some useful tips to choose the best products.
Made-to-order shoes by Bally
In March 2015 the Zagliani atelier became a part of the Bally brand. In this union that shares a commitment to luxurious design and the highest quality craftsmanship the Zagliani legacy, renowned for its expertise in handcrafted bags made from the softest, most luxurious leathers and exotic skins, lives on through Bally.
Pocket Square Clothing - king of the made in Los Angeles accessories
Pocket Square Clothing was established in 2011 as a men’s accessory brand. With no formal fashion training but with an architectural and business background, founders Rodolfo Ramirez and Andrew Cheung sought to create a lifestyle brand beyond clothing. To date they feature a collection of handcrafted bow ties, skinny neckties and pocket squares. The brand is a reflection of the ideals behind the Urban Gentleman. This is their effort to tell a story, to inspire and be inspired, and to create a powerful connection with you through timeless pieces.
The difference between Ultra Skinny Fit, Skinny Fit and Slim fit by TOPMAN
Establishing the perfect fit is the key consideration when buying a suit. So taking a minute to familiarise yourself with Topman's array of contemporary and classic suit fits - from the ultra skinny fit to the timeless slim fit - could be the wisest sartorial decision you make all season.
Hermès Spring-Summer 2017 Men's collection
French high fashion brand Hermès presented its men's Spring-Summer 2017 collection in the end of June during a fashion show, including gorgeous leathers, elegant tailoring and light-handed play with patterns.
The duo of the men's suit and shoes
To choose shoes in unobtrusive harmony with the rest of your look - and mainly with the suit - might be very easy or very difficult depending on criteria - are they formal or aesthetic.
From Cavalry twill to Moleskin - trousers for a Sports jacket
The sports jacket is a variable part of the gentleman's clothing, which for the joy of the eye, in combination with different trousers, gives a whole new outfit. Moreover, a sports jacket combined with flannel or cavalry twill is already perceived as a formal attire.
3 types of lapels in the men's suit
In the second video from the Tailoring Series, James Sleater from Cad & The Dandy outlines the difference between the 3 main types of lapel.
David Beckham in a partnership with Biotherm Homme
'I'm excited to be working with Biotherm Homme. I've been thinking about developing a skincare range for a long time and it wasn't until I started speaking with Biotherm that it all came together'.
Selfridges London opened the world's first fully integrated bodywear department
Selfridges is a chain of high end department stores in the United Kingdom. The Body Studio is the largest department ever opened by the iconic Selfridges London. The Studio is a new holistic fashion and accessories destination created for women to promote and celebrate mind and body wellness.
The life of a Homme shoe at Christian Louboutin's factory in Naples
From shaping the last to polishing the shoe and each step in between, the journey of a Christian Louboutin shoe is a tale of craftsmanship worth telling again and again. We follow the life of a shoe at the factory in Naples, Italy, where many of our Homme styles are born.
UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON: merging colours, blending identities
What is the face of London? And the face of Tokyo? New York? Milan? Berlin? Paris? In a brand new United Colors of Benetton global campaign, the face of each model is a partly analog, partly digital combination of all the features found in the six fashion capitals of the world.
Skincare for Men - Michael Bastian Fall/Winter 2016 New York Fashion Week
High-quality construction. Modern and luxurious. New York. Tailored. Handsome. Just a few synonyms of the looks Michael Bastian showcased for Fall/Winter 2016 during New York Fashion Week: Men's. Together with LAB SERIES Skincare for Men, they kicked off their partnership by shooting the look book campaign offering fashion and grooming looks for the urban man.
Menswear and skincare during the New York Fashion Week: Men's Fall-Winter 2016/2017
Popular skincare brand LAB SERIES Skincare for Men supported one of New York's most dynamic design duos OVADIA & SONS for their Fall-Winter 2016/2017 runway show for NYFW: MEN'S. 'What is great about both of our brands is that men look to us for guidance', says Joseph Grigsby, Vice President, Global Marketing, LAB SERIES Skincare for Men.
Do It Yourself Dermatology
With all the recent advancements in skin care technology, many people are turning to over the counter at-home solutions instead of a visit to the doctor's office. Is it worth it?
English Fashion: Oliver Spencer
Showing two collections a year at London Collections: Men, Oliver Spencer has built an international reputation for what GQ calls a 'uniquely British take on relaxed style'
Trussardi Womenswear Spring-Summer 2016 collection
It begins with a memory: images from the maison archives of shows from the late eighties and early nineties. “Their modernity and airiness continue to fascinate me,” says Gaia Trussardi, Creative Director of the brand. Everything is mixed together and worn in layers. Flowing suits. Fringed vests. Blazers as light as shirts. Safari jackets and duster coats constructed like tops. Fluid caftans. Extra-light suede. The final impact is ultra-chic lightness.
The Brand Muse Amanda Seyfried visiting Japan for SHISEIDO Clé de Peau Beauté Press Conference on New Products 2016 at the Palace Hotel Tokyo
The SHISEIDO Group held a press conference on new products for 2016 from its high prestige brand Clé de Peau Beauté (CPB) for Japanese and foreign press at the Palace Hotel Tokyo (Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo) on Friday, October 9, 2015. The brand muse, American actress Amanda Seyfried, visited Japan for the occasion and made her appearance on the stage. The new products released this time are the CPB brand’s core skincare items. They will be marketed in the spring of 2016 in 12 countries and regions around the world: Japan, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, the United States, Canada, and Russia.
Missoni Spring/Summer 2016 womenswear collection
Blocks of horizontal, vertical, diagonal and zigzag stripes lightly ripple knits, crepon and silk, with openwork, reliefs and canneté, transforming the Missoni Summer 2016 collection into a full immersion of color, graphic lines into a pictorial patchwork.
CND for The Blonds Spring/Summer 2016
CND, the global leader in professional nail care, unveiled 24 gilded nail designs tonight at The Blonds Spring/Summer 2016 Show at MILK Studios in New York. Inspired by Cleopatra, the Sphinx and various elements of Egyptology, the clothing and nails are best described as dramatic handcrafted treasures. The ancient Egyptian emphasis on procuring the most valuable riches for the afterlife was translated into a regal, glistening runway show of avant-garde fashion and artistry.
OKINAWA presents its new collection for Fall/Winter 2016-2017
Okinawa is based near Padova, Italy, and founded 30 years ago by Michele Ruffin. It has been renowned for its quality and creativity from the start, having always paid close attention to technological processes and materials for clothing, furnishing and accessories, focusing especially on the leather market.
Georgia May Jagger Collection for Mulberry
Georgia May Jagger, Mulberry muse and poster girl for the British rock 'n' roll lifestyle, has teamed up with us to create the ultimate leather Biker Jacket.
Rock'n'roll chic for Pre-Fall 2015 by Chloé
Chloé Pre-Fall 2015 pretty wearable and youthful collection is inspired by 60s and 70s rock stars like David Bowie and Kate Bush and offers high waisted sailor pants, patchwork fur coats, striped knit sweaters, short floral print dresses, wool capes, ribbon tied blouses, over the knee boots and handbags in leather, suede and snakeskin.
Haute Couture: Atelier Versace Fall-Winter 2015/2016 collection
Provocative evening gowns, bright pastel colors, chic V-neck tops, skinny trousers, 70s style short dresses combined with tall boots, autumnal floral and leaf patterns, fine lace, a sense of luxury - you can find all this and much more in Atelier Versace Fall-Winter 2015/2016 collection.
John Varvatos Spring-Summer 2016 at NYFW: Men's
As BGFN previously reported, in July 2015 was held the Inaugural New York Fashion Week: Men's and US fashion designer John Varvatos was chosen to close the event. After 13 years in which he showed his new lines in Milan, Italy, Varvatos supported the new fashion platform, presenting there his Spring-Summer 2016 collection.
Joseph Fall/Winter 2015 collection - wild woman
JOSEPH modernised women. As the sixties drew to a close, Casablanca-born hairdresser Joseph Ettedgui looked out from his salon, a chic King’s Road focal point, and imagined a revolution in the way we buy fashion. With his keen instincts, Joseph created a boutique that was more magazine than clothes shop – somewhere to discover new ideas, new styles and new designers.
Womenswear: Missoni Fall/Winter 2015 collection
Trompe l’œil marble veining on the body like tattoos. New space-dyed patterns in wide, uneven and blurred bands like television static. Coloured metallic inlaid within the graphic patter of wood and marble. The alluring marquetry of cuts, patterns and textures. Graphics of the materials from postmodern interior design, like works by Richard Artschwager.
Hermès menswear for Fall-Winter 2015/2016
Urban luxury streetwear. This is how the experts describe Hermès Fall-Winter 15/16 men's collection. Designer Véronique Nichanian created pieces for the carefree Parisian man, who just enjoy life.
Choose SuiteBlanco - shop by trend
Total white, a thousand flowers, animal print & polka dots. Suiteblanco puts its faith in the starring trends for spring.
Alexander Wang Denim Collection
The Denim x Alexander Wang collection brings three distinctive styles of jeans – Wang 001, Wang 002 and Wang 003, all inspired from the “genuine, men’s article.”
Impressive details: Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2015
The monologue opening the Spring 2015 fashion show takes its full meaning looking at the diversity of this astonishing collection. From lace dresses matched with clerical collars to cropped velvet trousers, or the architectural heels in the shape of the Louis Vuitton monogram flower, we discover a forward thinking wardrobe.
Emilio Pucci Fall Winter 2014-15 - CALL OF THE WILD collection
For Fall Winter 2014, the Pucci girl goes in search of a savage chic. Creative Director Peter Dundas creates a quasi-primitive, luxury-kissed landscape for her journey, drawing upon the decorative cultures of ancient Native American and Inuit people. Drawn in earthy colors and rich with intricate handcraft, a surge of animalistic energy pulses through the collection. But the savage is cut with the civil, leaving a rigorously chic refinement wafting through the air.
Spring-Summer 2015 Fashion trends: Key materials
For women's wardrobe luxury leather will be a key material for Spring-Summer 2015.
Go Green, Wear Blue with Conscious Denim at H&M
On October 2, H&M introduces Conscious Denim, a collection with clean styling and contemporary fits, that not only uses more sustainable materials, but also more conscious processes. In a first for H&M, the washes used on its denim have been graded to assess their environmental impact, including energy and water use. The collection includes pieces for women, men and children, and will be available worldwide in around 1,000 stores for women and 700 stores for men, as well as online.
FIRST CLASS by Andres Sarda
In summer 2015 Andrés Sarda undertakes an imaginary tour through multiple incarnations of the woman. She shows beauty and femininity and flaunts all her splendour in the brand’s line-up, interpreting the esthetic codes of various cultures. It brings to mind a journey by plane to a beauty contest featuring the most beautiful women from different countries.
The Slim Fit Men's suit
Slim fit clothing refers to any garment that fits the wearer close to the body. The garments in this style don't have extra fabric hanging or draping anywhere.
Spring-Summer 2015 menswear collection by Calvin Klein
Italo Zucchelli, Calvin Klein's creative director, presented brand's Spring-Summer 2015 menswear collection on June 22, 2014 in Italy during the Milan Fashion Week.
For the next year's hot season, the designer offers an extremely clean-cut line in mainly beige skin tones and transparent materials in strong colors (vermilion red, solar yellow and tangerine) in contrast.
LIEBESKIND Berlin parties to a unique beat
Berlin, May 16th 2014. Hosting 350 guests, LIEBESKIND Berlin celebrated their third Handmade Session at Fluxbau, Berlin last night.
Painless heated line hair removal product limits hair regrowth
Depitime Heated Line Removal is produced by nanoTime, a famous Japanese brand.
Use the advanced technology 'International painless heated line', the heated line (the blade) carbonizes hair trough heat tranmission and promote hair dropping from follicle completely, finally to remove the hair forever.
Spring-Summer 2014 fashion trends: Orange lips
Orange is one of the hottest Spring-Summer 2014 colors.
For example English actress and model Emma Watson was wearing a stylish black gown combined with fresh orange lipstick for the 'Noah' movie premiere (26 March 2014, New York).
But of course everything began from the catwalk...
Spring-Summer 2014 fashion trends: Dungarees
To all 90s lovers - Dungarees are back! From Alexa Chung and Pixie Lott through Street style to catwalks during the London Fashion Week, this 'important childhood element' is reborn in variety of styles - from the classic faded denim to cute printed pinafores.
If you want something comfortable and practical but in the same time stylish and modern dungarees are the perfect choice!
Unique and comfortable garments by Axel Hardy
Fashion designer Axel Hardy (Axinia Hadzhieva) creates unique and cutting-edge clothing made of personally developed yarns from organic cotton, linen, silk, soy. Her garments present Bulgaria in Europe's fashion world for years. In December 2013 the models were shown at the exhibition in O2 Arena in London, UK.
Spring-Summer 2014 menswear collection by Louis Vuitton
On the 27 June 2013 during the Paris Fashion Week, British designer Kim Jones presented his Spring-Summer 2014 menswear collection for the French brand Louis Vuitton.
Jones is style director of Vuitton's Men's Studio for 2 years, working under the artistic direction of Marc Jacobs.
The designer is a travel fanatic and the inspiration for this collection, was his trip to the USA in January this year. In his 41 apparels, Kim Jones tried to represent this 41 archetypes: preppy, broker, frat boy, gas jockey, scout, hippie, greaser, trust fund baby, and so on.
Unexpected skin threats
Some of your everyday habits can seriously damage your skin beauty. To stay looking young, fresh and pretty look at this list and make sure you are not doing anything to ruin your appearance. Sleeping can be bad for your skin - Yes, every princess needs her beauty sleep, but it's important on what exactly she sleeps. Pillowcase could be a problem, drawing moisture away from and age your skin and leave unattractive lines over your face.
Top 4 summer beauty tips
We prepared for you some of the best practices to keep your body healthy.
Cindy Crawford launches her first ready-to-wear clothing collection
Cindy Crawford will be making her designer debut when she launches her own clothing line with budget retailer C&A.
The 46-year-old supermodel is thrilled to be teaming up with the high street chain for her first design collection and she hopes her creations will make consumers feel good.
Victoria Beckham's new bags collection
Victoria Beckham has released her new handbag collection.
It is early to say that Victoria Beckham's fashion line can be haute couture, but her clothes and accessories are very popular among women in UK. Her bags are sold almost at the same price as the bags of brands like Louis Vuitton and Hermes. In the collection there is an alligator-skin handbag costing $29 600.
How to remove makeup from the eyes and the lips
The more makeup you wear, the more important is to clean it properly from your face. The makeup leads to pimples because it blocks the pores.
Use specially formulated cleanser for the lips and the eyes, this will help you to remove even the waterproof makeup, without pulling the sensitive skin around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive.
How to determine your skin type and choose the right care products
The first and most important step you can take toward caring for your skin properly is to choose the right cleansing products for your particular skin type.
Skin needs to be well cared in order to combat the bag factors such as stress, pollution, sun, etc.
Examine your skin and then use the information below, to asses which type you are and discover which kinds of products to use and which to avoid.
The best shaving tips for females - secrets to a long lasting shave
Shaving first became popular during World War II when nylon stockings were in short supply and bare legs became a trend that has yet to cease.
Today, women are increasingly turning to waxing and some are trying laser hair removal however, shaving remains the least expensive form of hair removal. Here are some shaving tips and tricks for females to ensure you're doing it the right way:
The most expensive shoes in the world priced at $38,000
At an astronomical price of $38,000 per pair, Italian luxury leather goods label A. Testoni is offering the world’s most expensive pair of men’s dress shoes.
Testoni, founded in Bologna in 1929 by Amedeo Testoni, painstakingly handcrafts the Moro monk-strap model in the world’s finest exotic alligator skin using the techniques of Norvegese, or Norwegian construction, for durability and added water resistance.
Sheepskin is in fashion this winter
Warm sheepskin is the hottest fashion trend this winter.
The clothes and boots made by real sheepskin are water resistant, breathable and warm, standing up to all weather conditions.
Leather gloves, wide belts, hats and shoulder bags are among the most fashionable trends in the upcoming winter season.
Rachel Weisz Is The New Face Of L'Oreal
Actress Rachel Weisz has been named the face of L'Oreal.
She will be representing the brand's skincare and beauty lines worldwide. Her skincare ads for the company will begin to roll out in November, with makeup ads following in the spring. Unfortunately, her ads will not be airing in the US.
Rachel Weisz said, "I am honored to be the new ambassador of L'Oreal Paris, which values both beauty and diversity."
Roberto Cavalli's Jungle Collection conquer Milan
Roberto Cavalli models strutted down the catwalk in a jungle-themed collection of snakeskin and tight trousers on the final day of Milan Fashion Week
The Italian style stalwart welcomed guests including Heidi Klum, Leona Lewis and Taylor Swift to the front row of the show, which was held in a glass tent.
A quick guide to Fall 2010 makeup trends
Purple lips
Wear purple lipstick this Fall and you will be on top of the trends. According to various Fall runway makeup trend reports, the plum colors is in for 2010. The purple lip it’s all you need.
Let your mouth be the main course and keep the eyes light. It is important that you choose the right shade – women with golden or darker skin tones can wear a blue-based plum, ant those with fair skin – stick to pinky purples.
Beauty trends in make-up for Fall/Winter 2010-11 from the Paris Couture fashion shows
The shows at Paris Couture fashion week for Fall/Winter 2010-2011 included designers like Chanel, Valentino and Jean Paul Gaultier, who presented breathtaking collections along with equally stunning make-up looks.
The biggest Paris Couture fashion week beauty trends are:
The less is more when it comes to skin. During the Fall/Winter season the foundation should be seamless and transparent.
How to make your lips a lot more kissable and attractive
Exfoliate the dry skin on your lips daily. If you want to keep the skin on your lips smooth regular exfoliation is the key, You can do this with a clean, dry toothbrush (a new one, not the one you use for your teeth). Put on the lips a little bit of Vaseline and then gently brush your lips with the toothbrush for several seconds. Do not brush them too hard or they will be raw and sore. After that exfoliation you will feel your skin smooth and gentle.
Put on the lip balm as often as you can. Without moisturization getting smooth and kissable lips is virtually impossible.
The secrets of perfect summer makeup
The makeup should always be applied on clean skin to achieve maximum effect and to stay longer. In the morning, use cleanser according to your skin type. In summer it must be soft and gentle to skin.
A light moisturizer is very important for the skin. It is applied on a thin layer on the skin, especially on the cheeks, where the skin tends to dry.
Allow the skin to absorb the cream for several minutes, blot the excess with a soft napkin.
10 beauty lessons, our moms were right about
"Junk food will damage your skin"
Recent study proved that people who replace processed carbohydrates with foods high In protein and whole grains have less skin problems. The reason? High-glycemic foods cause your blood sugar to rise, leading to a surge of insulin. Insulin stimulates the hormones, called androgens that contribute to oily skin and scalp and promote the appearance of pimples. Remove the junk food from your menu and you will notice improvement in your skin after only six weeks.
Homemade facial mask for oily skin
We offer you three recipes, suitable for oily skin.
Mask "yolk":
Mix one yolk with the juice of half lemon and teaspoon of olive oil. Stir the mixture well. Apply on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes and wash off.
Mask "albumen":
For this you need the albumen (white) of one egg, 1 teaspoon olive oil and deep chopped carrot. Mix the ingredients well...
Many sunscreens products may be accelerating cancer
Almost half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer.
The reason for this is because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives.
Experts say that sunscreen, creams and other ointments might prevent sunburn, but they don’t keep the ultraviolet light from destroying the skin cells and causing tumors and lesions.
Gwyneth Paltrow covers her body in coffee, olive oil and honey to make her skin smooth
The 'Iron Man' actress has revealed the ingredients to her credit crunch "five-minute makeover" can all be found in the kitchen cupboard. She wrote on her GOOP website: "Today I bring you some tips and wisdom from the people who trick you all into thinking I am a semi-presentable woman. "The first thing is to find acceptance when you look in the mirror. The mind wants to focus on flaws. Ease it into remembering the beauty of who you are."
Gwyneth goes on to give her recipe for a three-stage body scrub, which rejuvenates the skin in the comfort of your own home. Step one involves cleansing pores with a mixture of olive oil, coarsely ground coffee and Turbinado sugar.
Organic Cotton Bio T-Shirts – Soft And Comfortable
On the 8th edition of one of the biggest fashion events in Bulgaria - "Fashion Evenings" that was held on 13th and 14th of June 2009 in Grand Hotel Varna in "Sv. Konstantin I Elena" resort SoledoArts presented bio t-shirts made from organic cotton of "Earth Positive".
Bio-cotton is grown without chemicals with gathered rain water. Harmful chemicals are also not used during the manufacturing and treatment of the organic cotton and the ecologically clean products are of a higher quality.
MySkins company created a new underwear collection to match every skin tone
Have you ever wished that your underwear matched your skin tone, fit you
like a glove and could be worn under any type of clothing? MySkins.com designed
lingerie that does just that.
The seamless bras and panties serve as an almost
invisible "foundation" beneath a woman's clothing so people can see your dress, slacks or blouse...
not your underwear. For years women have suffered through a handful of lingerie
colors that didn’t match their skin, but not any more!
Preparing the feet for the perfect pedicure
With the global financial crisis still in full swing, luxuries have taken
a back seat. People are afraid to splash out on non-essentials, but we’re here
to show you it is possible to have a little luxury even when times are lean.
Feet work hard all day, transporting you from place to place and they
deserve a bit of pampering from time to time. So here are some tip tops to
get the perfect pedicure, which won’t break the bank.
Preparing the feet is essential, so use a foot file or pumice stone to
get rid of dead skin before removing any old nail varnish and soaking toes
in warm water for 5-10 minutes.
Acne – how to get rid of it
What is acne? What are the different types of acne? Can we eliminate it?
Acne vulgaris (commonly called acne) is a common skin condition, caused by changes in skin structures, consisting of a hair follicles and its associated sebaceous gland via androgen stimulation. It is characterized by noninflammatory follicular papules or comedones and by inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules in its more severe forms. Acne vulgaris affects the areas of skin with the densest population of sebaceous follicles; these areas include the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. Severe acne is inflammatory, but acne can also manifest in noninflammatory forms. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimpels, blemishes, spots, zits or acne.
For women over 45, who wish to look as young as they feel
Between the ages of 50 and 60 the skin's collagen fibres become fragmented and connective tissue becomes weaker, levels of the naturally occuring hyaluranon decreases significantly.
Instant skin lift with Nivea Visage Expert Lift is part of the innovative skincare system from Nivea Visage that provides instant lifting results and long-term contouring.
For soft fruity lips with the exotic aroma of Dragon Fruit
NIVEA Lip Care’s new innovative caring formula enriched with Hydramine, a precious active ingredient found naturally in the skin, and Grape Seed extract supports longlastingly the natural moisturisation for soft and supple lips.
Its unique blend of fruity flavour, shimmering pigments and glossy colour makes your lips even more desirable.
Madonna’s youthful appearance is down to a new cosmetic craze
Plastic surgeon Cyrille Blum claims the 50-year-old singer has had a series of non-invasive treatments to help maintain her looks.
Blum said: “She looks the same as she did 20 years ago. She looks like a good Michael Jackson.”
The cosmetic expert – who has a global A-list celebrity clients – believes the star’s wrinkle-free skin is due to the emergence of a new procedure, dubbed the ‘pillow face’.
Hydratation - lively moisture for the skin
Water, which is about 65% of human constitution is in the base of all life processes. Its importance is huge not only for life, but also for the maintenance of a beautiful outlook. A lot of advices exist - ancient and most current - how to use right this worthless natural gift. Some of them however are 100% delusion.
Hydratation needs only the dry skin. Dry and dehydratated skin are different conceptions. Lack of water can experience the dry and as well as the oily skin, which usually needs even more often hydratation. When we try to remove the surplus oil from the skin we break its natural protection layer, which keeps the normal level of humidity.
How to improve your skin with Micro-Dermabrasion
Micro-Dermabrasion is a comprehensive approach to skin care that is non-surgical, safe and effective. Using that technique can be removed dead and flaking skin cells to make your skin soft and fresh by stimulating the production of fresh young skin cells and collagen.
Natural Collagen Formula Q5-26
Unlike any other cosmetics the natural collagen products eliminate the causes not only the results from the aging of the skin.
30% of the human proteins consist of collagen. It is responsible for the elasticity, flexibility and moisture of the skin as well as the constant renovation of her cells. As we grow older the amount of collagen diminishes which appears to be the main reason of wrinkles appearance.
DEBORA charmed Bulgaria
Bulgarians, who appreciate the quality cosmetics have a new ally. The newest revolutionary products of the Italian brand name "Debora" can already be found in the luxury shops. The trademark is also known as the cosmetics of "Miss Italy", since the winners in the prestigious competition have the privilege of presenting the products of the famous brand name. “Everet Sofia” - official distributor of "Debora" in Bulgaria chose an original way to present the hot trends in make up according to the Italian specialists.
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