MARINA: "Modelling is a kind of freedom!"

Like every girl that is going to be sixteen years old soon, Marina is smiling and playful, she makes jokes and retorts on jokes. Together with that she can easily change the subject of conversation - from Picasso and Rembrandt to Lev Tolstoi and "Anna Karenina" (her favourite novel and female character).

The key to the character and the mentality of this charming creature is her motto: "Everything in life must be done with a lot of feeling!".

Marina Kostadinova studies in the 10th grade of the Gymnasium for fine arts "Prof. Nikolay Raynov" - Sofia, specialty icon drawing, ceramics and painting. Since 2001 she works as a model. She has a contract with "Ivet fashion" modelling agency. She has participated in a review of the famous Bulgarian designer Svetla Dimitrova (winner of the "Golden needle" award of the Academy of fashion) and she sat for the photo objective of the fashin photographer Samuil Milev. She is 171 cm tall, her measures are 89 - 61 - 89 and she weighs 50 kg.

She likes most the top models Naomi Campbel and Alec Uek, from the cinema Robert de Niro, from pop music - Whitney Heuston and Hulio Iglesias. She dreams to achieve everything that would make her happy.

"For me modelling is a kind of freedom, which lets you explain your feelings and to be liked!" - Marina explains sincerely. She determines herself as good-natured, loving and very sensitive person and she makes an exact estimation of the relation between fashion and plastic arts: "They both demand feeling, sense of beauty and elegance".

Photos © Samuil Milev

© Lubomir Stoykov
All rights reserved!

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Tags:Marina, model, interview, photos, smile

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