Unexpected skin threats

Some of your everyday habits can seriously damage your skin beauty.
To stay looking young, fresh and pretty look at this list and make sure you are not doing anything to ruin your appearance.

Unexpected skin threats

Sleeping can be bad for your skin
Yes, every princess needs her beauty sleep, but it's important on what exactly she sleeps. Pillowcase could be a problem, drawing moisture away from and age your skin and leave unattractive lines over your face.
To solve this problem, all you need to do is to invest in a silk pillow cover, because silk contains amino acids, similar to those in moisturisers. That's how when you rest your head for the night your skin is not losing any essential moisture.

Unexpected skin threats
Applying makeup can damage your skin
12 per day – that's the number of beauty products, that average UK woman uses. But how much they make her more beautiful and how dangerous for her are they? When ladies apply face creams, moisturisers and foundation, most of them do it with their fingers. But are they really clean enough?
Fingers harbour bacteria and applying products with them allows it to transfer to your face, which can cause infection and spots.
To prevent blemishes and still use your favourite beauty products, use a hand sanitiser before application, or use makeup brushes.

Drinking straws and bottles can destroy your look
Drinking water itself is vitally important for your health and good look. But the way you drink it can cause you problems if you use straws or bottles.
Drinking this way can give you the same lines and wrinkles around your mouths like smoking. If you want to stay looking young and wrinkle-free it's time to start using a glass to get your daily water needs.

Talking on the phone can age you
Think about the places you leave your phones - cafe tabletops, in the drinks holder of the car, on your desk at the office.
So it's not surprising that phones can cause spots and blemishes, which will make you look not fresh-faced and respectively older. Use antibacterial wipes and be more careful about places you leave your phone on.

Unexpected skin threats

Washing your hair can ruin it
Be careful when you choose your haircare products, because even though basic hygiene is absolutely vital, many of the shampoos and conditioners contain sodium laureth sulphate. This is a foaming chemical, which can damage your hair, skin and health. The Hair Loss Control Clinic's tests show that 'sodium laureth sulphate can even cause your hair growth cycle to decline and prolong your hair loss phase'.
Choose products which don't contain this ingredient, for example, organic shampoos and conditioners.

If your blonde hair has turned yellow over time and you’re looking for a miracle product to reverse any damage done, we recommend you to read the article Best Purple Shampoos for Blonde Hair. There you can read a review of 15 best shampoos for having a bright beautiful blonde hair and buy the one that is best for your hair.

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Tags:skin, face, care, shampoo, conditioner, water, appearance, makeup, hair

About the Author

Veselka Petrova

Veselka writes for the menswear section of Be Global Fashion Network. She has a passion for classic men`s elegance and she is keen on giving advices to men in order to look and feel better. She also has interest in the men`s fashion industry and sustainable fashion.

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