Tag: Lubomir Stoykov
The style of Lyuben Dilov Jr - spontaneous, ironic and conceptual
Lyuben Dilov Jr is among the undoubted modern phenomena of our time. He is well known in society and show business - as a publisher and writer, screenwriter and journalist, politician and image-maker. "He was one of the most intelligent students whom I taught in the 80s at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication", said Prof. Lyubomir Stoykov.
European Fashion Forum 2015 - International Conference, fashion show and party
The forum brought together experts from the academic, business and design communities in the fashion industry. Fourteen Winners of Golden Needle by the Academy of Fashion, fashion design students from four Bulgarian universities and Bulgarian designers, who have presented their work on world fashion stages, took part in the fashion show. The accent of the event was the presentation of contemporary clothing with references to Bulgarian folklore.
'Overall Contribution to the fashion industry' Award for Richmart
The prestigious awards Zlatna igla /Golden needle/ are an annual event honoring the people from the fashion industry, who have achieved higher results during the year. RICHMART - the most modern factory for made-to-measure men's suits in Europe, received the 'Overall Contribution to the fashion industry' award. The company was represented by its owner Martin Yordanov, its sales manages Dean Manev and Martina Martini from Richmart Junior.
Children's Fashion: Kristo by Richmart coats collection
Bulgarian hip-hop singer Kristo, who is often part of different social projects, collaborated with Richmart - one of the biggest factories in Europe, producing made-to-measure suits - for the creation of his first collection of children's coats, named 'Kristo by Richmart'.
Stylish fashion show at the ceremony of "BG Fashion icon 2012"
In the fashion show at the official ceremony of rewarding the most elegant Bulgarians – BG Fashion icon 2012 – were presented the newest collections of FEDE fashion studio, MOHITO and fashion house Junona. A special mini collection presented also the talented students of Prof. Lubomir Stoykov and Assoc. Prof. Mariela Gemisheva – Rafaela Rafaelova, Boryana Nikolova and Nikolay Bojilov.
The most-elegant Bulgarians for 2010 were chosen
Elena Petrova, Gala, Valentina Voykova, Kalin Vratchanski and Vladimir Karamazov are the most elegant Bulgarians for 2010, according to the popular online magazine Fashion Lifestyle Magazine with editor-in-chief Lubomir Stoykov. The new “BG fashion icons” for 2010 were chosen by the readers of the magazine after online voting and by an expert panel of 30 leading fashion and lifestyle journalists and the editorial team of Fashion Lifestyle Magazine.
"RICHMART INNOVATION" made way for young talents
Fashion, music and dance merged into an exciting spectacle - The contest for young designers "Richmart Innovation" during the International Fashion Forum – Ruse 2010 was held on April 23 at the City Theatre on the beautiful Danube city of Ruse.
The winner, Nikolai Bozhilov from the National Academy of Art with the project "Recycling Fashion" received the grand prize of Academy of Fashion "Golden Needle 2010" - a unique sculpture by the famous jeweler Angelo Krassin.
The most-elegant Bulgarians for 2009 were chosen
Tsvetelina Borislavova and Miro are the most elegant Bulgarians - they
received the prize "BG FASHION ICON 2009" by the 30 members of the
commission, comprising of fashion journalists, selected by the popular
online edition "Fashion Lifestyle Magazine" with editor-in-chief prof.
Lubomir Stoykov.
Diana Lubenova and Dimitar Berbatov are the prize winners
from the online voting of the readers of "Fashion Lifestyle Magazine".
Juliana Doncheva is "BG FASHION ICON 2009" in the category "editorial
award". Fashion.bg was a member of the jury. Special awards to the "icons"
were given by many sponsors.
Bulgarian fashion in Rome: elegant provocation and perfect style
In two consecutive articles we will present you the collections of the designers and fashion houses who took part in the Day of Bulgarian fashion in Rome. The final evening, dedicated to Bulgarian fashion design was organized by Mrs. Jana Yakovleva, chairwoman of the Bulgarian-Italian cultural association Phoenix and Prof. Lubomir Stoykov – chairman of the Academy for fashion. This project is an immense result, born from the common efforts of Sofia Municipality and Rome Municipality for Bulgarian-Italian cultural exchange and cooperation.
The ambassador of Italy gave very high praise to prof. Lubomir Stoykov
Prof. Lubomir Stoykov’s new book World Fashion. Part Three: Italy is already a cultural and aesthetical fact. During its official premiere at Vitosha Park Hotel, it was presented by H.E. Stefano Benazzo – ambassador of Republic of Italy to Bulgaria who is also author of the introductory words. Mr. Benazzo notices: The work of Prof. Lubomir Stoykov has the merit to tell the story of the evolution of the Italian fashion through the stories of our biggest designers from the post-war period until the present, showing that fashion is most of all a result of the labour of really unusually people rather than of more or less inspired persons, more or less anti conformists. I am grateful to Prof. Stoykov, because thanks to him, many Bulgarians who love so much our country, will be able to "understand" the Italian fashion, will be able to explain its language and symbols, rather than only fall in love from first sight.
Lavazza A Modo Mio
Tens of celebrities and journalists from leading Bulgarian media gathered at the residence of the Italian Embassy on the occasion of the presentation of the exclusive innovatve espresso system Lavazza A modo mio. Giuseppe Lavazza, vice-president and marketing director of Lavazza was a special guest at the event. He introduced to all the attendants the philosophy and abilities of the new espresso system. Each guest had the possibility to taste the incredible espresso tastes of A Modo Mio.
A new online magazine is born: Fashion Lifestyle Magazine
On 1 August 2007 was officially announced the start of the electronic magazine for fashion and lifestyle “Fashion Lifestyle Magazine”. Editor-in-chief is Assoc. prof. Dr. Lubomir Stoykov. The online magazine is published by the consultancy house "Ot igla do konetz" and Fashion.bg Ltd., the owner and publisher of the biggest Bulgarian fashion directory Fashion.BG managed by Mrs. Silvia Kabaivanova, who is the managing editor of the new editorial.
Corporate dress: nature and types
People have long ago understood that clothes serve not only to protect them from the impact of climate and nature, but also to communicate – to express some of their arrangements and mood. Business communication, as an informative process in business and organization area, can’t ignore such an important resource as corporate dress. That’s why it’s necessary to clarify some of the most significant and actual aspects of corporate dress in the context of exchanging messages and information with labor and organizational nature. What is the communicative nature of clothes and how can we read their messages in the organizational sphere?
The first lady of Bulgaria Zorka Parvanova patronized Lubomir Stoykov’s charity
Ot Igla Do Konetz / From Needle to Thread / Consulting House published for fifth time the Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion. The new edition is bilingual – both in Bulgarian and English language and is richer in cultural and informative aspect. Almanac of Bulgarian Fashion 2004-2005 / author and composer Lubomir Stoykov / supports the National Campaign for Breast Cancer under the patronage of the first lady Zorka Parvanova – she is also author of the special preface of the new Almanac. In his introduction Lubomir Stoykov analysed the most important events and achievements of Bulgarian fashion design in 2004. For the first time he included an inquiry with leading fashion journalists who answered the question which are the three most serious achievements in Bulgarian fashion for the last year?
Lubomir Stoykov presented his new book at his 50-th anniversary
On May 11th 2004 in House 2 of Boyana Residence was held the charity premiere of Lubomir Stoykov’s new book “World Fashion. Part II: USA”. It was under the patronage of Mrs. Kathy Pardew – wife of US ambassador James Pardew. Mrs. Pardew wrote the introduction of the book and specially attended the event and greeted Mr. Stoykov.
The Bulgarian president Mr. Georgi Parvanov send a special greeting letter to the jubilarian: “In all your initiatives you are demonstrating a notable working capacity, creative prolificacy and high professionalism, which deservedly makes you real sculpture and herald of refined criteria. Your nearly 30 years creative work is no doubt an excellent basis for spiritual and aesthetic upbringing, that we all need so much today”. Exclusively was the appearance of the Bulgarian variety prima Lili Ivanova. At the supreme moment she sang “Happy birthday to you” to Mr. Stoykov.
Comfort and chic in Elena Moskvichovas collection
In a few days will be displayed a new collection for
spring-summer 2004 by the famous fashion house
“A-Style” with designer Elena Moskvichova. That will
happen in the prestigious Ryla Hotel in Sofia on March
4th in front of special audience. The designer /she was
nominated for “Zlatna Igla 2002” /Golden Needle 2002/
by the Fashion Academy/, will show over 50 pieces
separated and structured in three different themes.
The first one is devoted to every-day-life comfort and is
made by knitted fabrics that designer selected for the
first time and combined with lace and mesh. The variety
of combinations - skirts and blouses or daily suits with
jackets, in that case sleeveless, is great.
The second theme contains two-parts business suits
diversified by materials, variety of bright colors and the
button up technics. Typical for her previous collection
was edging but for spring-summer collection the
designer put a special accent on lace and play with little
details as lapels, sleeves etc. You can notice eastern
motives in some of the suits.
Editor's Choice