Tag: heart attack
What You Need To Know About Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a wax-like, fatty substance which is naturally found in all the cells of the body. It is needed to synthesize vitamin D and manufacture hormones, among other things. Your body mostly manufactures all the cholesterol it needs in your liver and you can also get it in the foods you eat, such as meat, full-fat dairy, eggs, coconut oil and more.
Health & Beauty
Sedentary lifestyle is the key risk factor for people's lives and health
It is not a secret that sedentary lifestyle is extremely harmful to humans - not only for their bodies but also for the emotional and mental health. Researches show that sitting at your desk all day long, increases mortality with 20% in males and 40% in females and every year 500,000 Europeans and 1.9 million people worldwide die from sedentary.
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