Tag: Collection Premiere
Collection Premiére Moscow will be held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds
The organizer of the largest business exhibition platform in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia CPM - Collection Première Moscow - Messe Düsseldorf Moscow OOO - announced the details of the forthcoming event. By longstanding tradition it is opening the business season of the fashion industry in Moscow at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. February 22-25, 2021 the manufacturers of designer clothes, fashion lingerie, and accessories will present their new Fall-Winter 2021/2022 collections to buyers from Russia.
Review of the 33rd Collection Premiere Moscow
With stable results, the 33rd edition of CPM – Collection Premiere Moscow drew to a successful close on 6 September 2019. Around 1,300 brands from 30 countries exhibited their collections for the spring/summer 2020 season in 16 halls of the Expocentre exhibition grounds. As always, CPM attracted a highly professional audience of buyers and experts to Moscow: around 21,300 professional visitors from 50 countries with a focus on Europe and South Asia.
Collection Premiere Moscow exhibition welcomes modest fashion premiere
Collection Premiere Moscow exhibition will take place, where 1370 brands will present their collections of the next Autumn-Winter season 2019/20. For the first time, all visitors will be invited to get acquainted with the exposition of the new Modest Fashion division, prepared in partnership with Modest Russia and Council of Modest Fashion.
Spring 2009 with Markam Fashion
With its traditional participations and successes at the fashion forums in Europe in the past few years, such as „Collection Premiere” in Dusseldorf, “Collection Premiere” in Moscow, “Fashion Premiere” in Salzburg, “Order start” – Vienna, “Styl” – Brno, “Showroom”- Amsterdam, “CIFF” – Copenhagen, etc., Markam becomes more and more famous as a leader in the segment of the luxurious lady’s clothing. As a winner of the most prestigious awards of the Fashion Academy - Golden Mercury – 2006, for fashion business and high quality in the production of clothing and of Golden needle – 2008 for Fashion house of the year, Markam is in line for presentation at the fashion show „We are Europe” during “Fashion week” in Tokyo, Japan, in the end of March with the newest collection – Fall-Winter 2009/2010.
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