Tag: Dilyana Popova
Top models presented the new collection of Romantika fashion
Yesterday, Sofia Borisova, the designer of Romantika Fashion, presented her new collection “Different” for spring-summer 2011. The fashion show was held in Dedeman Princess Hotel Sofia. Several top models, including Dilyana Popova, Teddy Velinova, Stella Stoykova made appearance on the catwalk, dressed in exquisite outfits.
The fashion show of fashion house Romantika gathered many VIP personas, including Zlatka Raykova, Jeni Kalkandjieva, Iren Onteva, Desi Zidarova, Sofi Marinova...
Top 10 Bulgarian models
“Beauty will save the world” – this popular saying turns in my head while selecting the photos for this article, which aims to show you the 10 most beautiful Bulgarian models.
This is a selection of 10 beautiful models who are real beauties with their own charm and sex appeal.
Internationally published fashion photographer made photos of Bulgarian top model Dilyana Popova
Born and raised in Rome, Marco Tenaglia starts his career after graduating
from the High Institute of Photography.
The wish to discover new horizons push him to travel between Rome, Milan,
Barcelona, and New York, many times, refining his technique, style and creativity.
Editor's Choice