Tag: attractive
10 Ideas to Make Your e-shop More Attractive to Customers
With advanced modern technology, one can simply operate a business online at the comfort of their own home. Are you seeking to venture into e-commerce? To succeed you have to generate traffic to your e-store. It's not as easy as it may sound, it’s time-consuming, frustrating and somehow difficult. However, below you will find easy ideas that will enable you to attract more clients
The 1950s gentleman's style is more attractive for women
A new study revealed that for 61% of today's women the 1950s gentleman is the most desirable of all times, because he made more of an effort with his appearance and manners. These guys regularly wore suits and hold the door open for ladies, which they found (and still find) very attractive.
Milano Unica presented the textiles for Spring/Summer 2015
The director of the Men's Fashion Cluster returned from Milano Unica, the international textile fair organized in Italy from 11th to 13th February 2014. At the fair were presented the finest quality products for Spring/Summer 2015 from both Italian and European textile manufacturers.
Versace Spring-Summer 2013 collection at Milan Fashion Week: Original, attractive, feminine and sexy
Original, attractive, feminine and sexy - those are the words coming to my mind looking at the Spring-Summer 2013 collection of Versace. The models were presented today at Milan Fashion Week.
The colours that dominate in the collection are black, blue, shades of gold and orange. Attractive belts are worn on the lower waist, giving a careless but stylish look. Dresses are short and sexy. A popular look is the one sleeve dress.
How to make your lips a lot more kissable and attractive
Exfoliate the dry skin on your lips daily. If you want to keep the skin on your lips smooth regular exfoliation is the key, You can do this with a clean, dry toothbrush (a new one, not the one you use for your teeth). Put on the lips a little bit of Vaseline and then gently brush your lips with the toothbrush for several seconds. Do not brush them too hard or they will be raw and sore. After that exfoliation you will feel your skin smooth and gentle.
Put on the lip balm as often as you can. Without moisturization getting smooth and kissable lips is virtually impossible.
The most beautiful female body
Singer Beyonce Knowles is the celebrity with the best body according to the British women, while males prefer the Hollywood actress Megan Fox, says Daily Express, citing the results of a poll, conducted by Twentieth Century Fox Home.
Beyonce topped the list for women, with 24 percent stating she had the best celebrity body.
Bulgarian pop-folk singer Galena with attractive visions in a photosession
Bulgarian pop-folk singer Galena provokes again with interesting and original visions. She recently made a photo session for the November issue of "Kosa i krasota" magazine (Hair and Beauty).
The hair dressing is made by the coiffure Joro Petkov, the make-up - by Slav and the photographs are shot by Kostadin Krastev.
The photo session is a part of the returning of Galena on the music scene after she gave birth to her son Stefan.
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