Tag: news
Apparel supply chains must reset for the future, says GlobalData
Fashion brands, producers and retailers in key consumer markets across Europe and North America are fighting for survival. Stores are closed, sales have slumped, inventories are mounting, staff are being laid off or furloughed, executives are taking pay cuts, dividends have been suspended, and companies are taking steps to shore up their liquidity. For many, the response has also been to abandon or scale-back orders, and delay – or even cancel – payments to vendors. The knock-on consequences are factory closures and the dismissal of millions of workers in some of the poorest countries in the world.
How to write a good press release
A press release is defined as an official announcement, which is issued by an organization to the media. It is also called a “news release”, a “media release” or a “press statement”.
The inverted pyramid template
The inverted pyramid is a common method for writing news stories used by journalists and other writers to illustrate how information should be prioritized and structured in a text. It requires the writer to rank the importance of information starting with the most important information first.
Other secrets for Pitti Immagine Uomo January 2017 edition are revealed
“DUE O TRE COSE CHE SO DI CIRO [TWO OR THREE THINGS I KNOW ABOUT CIRO]”, is the title of the event that Pitti Immagine has decided to devote to Ciro Paone, founder of Kiton and leading entrepreneur in Italian fashion. It will be a dive into the taste, passion and unrelenting devotion that rally in support of beauty, while also passing through the life and career of Ciro Paone: a history that starts in Naples, and from here, goes on to conquer the world. An exhibition project that will be presented under the artistic direction of Angelo Flaccavento.
At the sea with Delfina
The models of Delfina Swimwear for Summer 2010 are in bright colors, which attract the attention and are up to date with the latest fashion trends.
Made of quick drying fine material, that embraces the body like a second skin.
In fashion are the cutaway bikinis and one-shoulder styling of the swimsuits
Short hair is the top hairstyle trend for Summer 2010
This year the stylists are offering to your attention a compelling suggestions for all tastes and styles from all the latest hairstyles in summer 2010.
This summer’s hairstyle trends are extremely variable, repeating some of the trends from last season.
For example, the plaited/braided hairstyle trend, which last year conquered the international catwalks, will return again with full force.
Receive the Texnews magazine for free
For the show IMB World of Textile Processing, which will be held in Cologne (Germany) from the 10 to May 13, 2006, the French magazine Texnews Techniques will be translated into English and proposes to you to receive this special edition for free, which will be published on April 30, 2006.
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