Tag: upcycle
A Toolkit for DIY Menswear and Fashion Accessories
It turns out that do-it-yourself (DIY) fashion extends well beyond sewing buttons onto old shirts. In fact, DIY is a core component of ethical fashion because it finds new ways to preserve and upcycle old materials into new pieces. Many key items in menswear collections can be repurposed using basic DIY techniques. This method offers a low-cost alternative for sprucing up your wardrobe without buying into fast fashion trends.
Made With Respect Announces Membership with 1% for the Planet
Made With Respect joined 1% for the Planet, pledging to donate 1% of annual sales to support nonprofit organizations focused on the environment.
EFWA is accepting submissions from designers to create one unique look using men's shirts
Eco Fashion Week Australia (EFWA) is now accepting submissions from designers around the world to create one unique look using men’s shirts for the return of the Upcycling Challenge by Marilyn R. Wilson. Accepted submissions will be featured on the runway at the second annual event in November, in two states: Nov. 4 – 10 in Port Douglas, Queensland; and Nov. 15 – 21 in Perth, Western Australia.
Rubbish Removal Hits the Fashion Industry
If you're looking for new ideas on what to do with your rubbish before rubbish removal, consider this recent news story! The ninth annual Festival of Arts Runway Fashion Show, part of the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts, was held August 12, 2017. If you're conjuring up mental images of silk gowns and expensive fancy lace, think again! At least eighty percent of materials for each outfit worn at this fashion show must be made from recycled, reclaimed, or reused materials! The fashions are created by artists with a great deal of creativity and the crowds this show draws includes people very passionate about saving Planet Earth.
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