Tag: minerals
Women`s belts fashion trends for Summer 2013
Belts are irreplaceable fashion accessory for any season.
Ladies belts for Summer 2013 are very diverse. Designers emphasize the waist, feminine and graceful, offering interesting fashion ideas.
During the hot season of 2013, the belt's width is not defined. Fashion collections offer both thin and wide belts with traditional or invisible zipper at the back. Corset-belts are less common, but some designers offer original models that emphasize the waist or hips.
Basic care tips for naturally beautiful hair
Here are some tips to help your hair look and feel beautiful and smooth.
Use a professional shampoo and conditioner that is formulated for your hair type. A good selection of those products is a must have. Just remember to stay away from the all-in-one conditioner and shampoo combos. Avoid shampoos that contain sodium laurel sulfate, because this chemical synthetic detergents that are used in dishwashing liquid.
The stress reflects on the condition of the hair
Hair needs constant care, which do not consist only in the use of shampoos, conditioners, masks, etc. There are more important factors affecting to its condition.
Hair becomes thinner if the body is experiencing vitamin and
micronutrients deficiency. So if you want to be healthy, pay attention to the food – you should use products, containing a sufficient quantity of vitamins of group B, A, C, E, beta carotene, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper.
GREEN lettuce helps digestion
Green lettuce and vegetables help digestion and are ideal for cleaning the body of the toxins and to fight cancer. They are healthy to eat because they are low in calories and contain nutrients. Lettuce is majorly made up of over 90% water and is rich in foliate and contains useful amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Mesotherapy - Another Plus In Medicine
Mesotherapy is a relatively new field in aesthetics medicine. It was invented by French physician Dr Michel Pistor.
Pistor uses mesotherapy for the first time in 1952 for treating traumatological and rheumatological disorders.
In 1958 he publishes his clinic research and introduces the term “Mesotherapy” that is quickly accepted and popularized by the French press. Later in 1987 Mesotherapy is accepted by the French Academy of Medicine as an integral part of conventional medicine.
How to keep your nails in good shape
Healthy nails are strong and without ridges, dents or areas of unusual color or shape. The condition of your nails can reveal a lot about your health.
Here are some general nail care tips:
- Food plays a major role for the good looks of your nails. You should eat a lot of fruits and raw vegetables in order to get the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Eat food that is rich in silicon like broccoli, fish and onions.
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