Tag: wet hair
5 Most Overlooked Daily Habits That Can Cause Hair Loss
Suddenly seeing strands of hair on your pillow or clogging up the shower drain can be heartbreaking. We all love our hair so much, and watching them falling out can be scary. However, hair loss is not just from aging - there can be a lot of overlooked bad habits that could cause hair loss. As a result, people suffer from hair thinning and baldness. After that, many prefer to get a Beverly Hills hair transplant procedure. You can avoid getting to that point if you correct these bad habits. In this article, we have listed down a few bad habits that can cause hair loss. To learn about them, continue reading.
5 Ways To Stop Hair Loss
Hair loss is a common problem faced by a lot of men across the globe. An average adult loses 100 strands of hair daily that explains the toxicity of this issue. Baldness is common amongst 95% of men, which means that millions of them are spending a lot of money to get rid of this issue. However, it is essential to note that hair loss is a natural phenomenon that can be controlled. There are many reasons for hair loss such as mineral deficiency, poor diet plan, stress and genetics. Most people who often put a cap or a helmet on their heads while driving a motorbike to complain about losing their hair. Following is a list of ways through which you can stop this issue:
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