Tag: moisture
All That You Need to Know When Buying Silver Jewelry
Silver is among the most precious metals we have around. It is linked to wealth, status and luxury. The metal is not only used in jewelry but also in many medical and other technological sectors. There are different varieties of silver at is very important for you to know them when buying wholesale silver jewelry. Such include pure silver, sterling silver and silver plate which is most rampantly used.
How to remove makeup from the eyes and the lips
The more makeup you wear, the more important is to clean it properly from your face. The makeup leads to pimples because it blocks the pores.
Use specially formulated cleanser for the lips and the eyes, this will help you to remove even the waterproof makeup, without pulling the sensitive skin around the eyes. The skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive.
Hydratation - lively moisture for the skin
Water, which is about 65% of human constitution is in the base of all life processes. Its importance is huge not only for life, but also for the maintenance of a beautiful outlook. A lot of advices exist - ancient and most current - how to use right this worthless natural gift. Some of them however are 100% delusion.
Hydratation needs only the dry skin. Dry and dehydratated skin are different conceptions. Lack of water can experience the dry and as well as the oily skin, which usually needs even more often hydratation. When we try to remove the surplus oil from the skin we break its natural protection layer, which keeps the normal level of humidity.
Natural Collagen Formula Q5-26
Unlike any other cosmetics the natural collagen products eliminate the causes not only the results from the aging of the skin.
30% of the human proteins consist of collagen. It is responsible for the elasticity, flexibility and moisture of the skin as well as the constant renovation of her cells. As we grow older the amount of collagen diminishes which appears to be the main reason of wrinkles appearance.
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